Today's the last day of Nablopomo 2007. And I made it. I posted every day, all November.
And we all live happily ever after. The Next November, if I even talk about signing up for this again, somebody please spank me (twss).
If you listen carefully enough - you'd be surprised at what you can hear
Today's the last day of Nablopomo 2007. And I made it. I posted every day, all November.
It's not going to be easy, but I hope I'm strong enough to do it.
(WIP = No clue where I can find those)
As organised as I am with all my important documents, I just can't seem to keep track of my passport photographs.
I looked at my husband, "Houston..."
"We have a problem?"
"Err, looks like..."
"Did we forget anything?"
Luckily just then I saw something on the list that made me smile.
"Actually, I need to get new photos taken - apparently the mouth has to be closed. So I can't use the ones I have - I'm smiling in them. So maybe we can just stop by Walgreens tomorrow?" (Whew! That was close)
"Sure. That should be ok"
(I couldn't get a clearer picture the first couple of times. And I didn't want to try too many times and gross out the people in the stalls next to me.)
Hmmm. I'm sure there are many people who find an outlet for their anger / frustration / sadism / {insert other negative emotion here} by kicking flush handles in the loo.
On a completely unrelated note - I found out 2 women I work with are taking part in the National Novel Writing Month (whew)