Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Don't mess with me in Math Class...

...or any social situation that involves numbers and a problem to solve.

I was in project management training today where we learnt about estimating schedules. Everything was fine - all of us were nodding seriously to everything the instructor said, highlighting every third word and so on.

Suddenly he said something about an exercise. That involved looking at a diagram of different activities that made up a project, the dependencies between them and the time needed for each activity. We had to calculate what the shortest time to finish the project was.

I picked up my pencil and it was like I was possessed. I could feel the adrenaline rush. For the next couple of minutes my hand moved frantically across the page till I was done. I put down my pencil and looked up. I saw a room full of people still poring over their notebooks with a look of confusion.
And I smiled. The smile of the geek who loved her high school math textbook almost as much as she loved her copy of "Heidi" and "The Secret Garden".


Bre said...

I am a math failure. Completely. Give me a sentence and I can diagram it in my sleep! Give me fractions and I give myself an anxiety attack trying to divide them!

Still Searching said...

argggh!! i hate math! and yes, i knew this about you, from our training in tvm! :)