Friday, April 20, 2007

So I went shopping recently...

...and came back with the BIGGEST (pun intended) complex ever.
And the person I went shopping with ? She came back with a Size 2 skirt that's a wee bit too big since the store was all out of Size 1's. (Sigh)

Got to run - need to go to the gym. Actually got to run period.


Still Searching said...

Oh hell!! Now that the terms 'size 1 & 2' make sense to me, I totally sympathise! What a nerve-wracking experience going shopping with some THAT slim! Hehehe... I've got to hit the gym too. I've put on weight in the past 2 weeks!

Zee said...

hmph......join the club....

Zee said...

on second thoughts....chuck the club...just join the gym...

brandy said...

Oh, that is never a good feeling! And I think club memberships are going to hit a all-time high this month since everyone is joining!