Thursday, November 08, 2007

Is the weekend here yet?

SO much happened already this week and I still have Friday to get through:

1) We went from broken garage door opener on Monday to swanky new garage door opener - including a fancy keyless entry system - on Tuesday. I LOVE my husband's choice in gadgets.

2) I spent 3 days in training and found out:
  • I’m a geek
  • I still have my obsession with taking notes the “right way” using the “right writing instrument” (1 blue pen, 1 black pen, 1 pencil, 2 highlighters)
  • I DID pay some attention in Business School
  • I wish I'd paid more attention in Business School
  • Now all of a sudden I'm looking for more classes I can take (Note to self: Take a deep
    breath till such feelings pass)
  • I wasn't really missed at work
  • I really missed being at work
3) I found out I may just be working for the coolest company ever.

4) When you know someone is scheduled to power-wash your windows, you shower that much faster.

5) Someone told me I speak a certain language well and made my day (and caused me to make at least 3 phone calls to gloat).

6) Sometimes Murphy listens when you ask him (and his law) to take a hike – and things go right. Like when I woke up late on Wednesday and still made it to work before class started (the icing - it turned out to be a great-hair-day).


Bre said...

Mysteriously good hair days on otherwise junky mornings are seriously the best things in life!

So now I have to ask... what do you do with all those writing implements?

aRbit said...

I use a pencil to draw margins sometimes and to write in my textbooks.
I alternate between blue and black in my notes to easily distinguish where one line of thought ends and the other begins.
And then use different colours to highlight.
Uh oh. I'm beginning to sound geekier than ever aren't I?