Sunday, November 25, 2007

Love is a girl's word

As soon as he opened his present, we were the coolest aunt and uncle ever. He gave both of us a quick hug and ran off to show his friends what his "cool aunt and uncle" had brought him.
Ten minutes later, he was back and looking quite upset. And with him four other 6 year olds.
The book we gave him had a "With love from" inscription inside.
His friend explained "Love is a girl's word".
I was speechless. I looked around for my husband so he could give them a man-to-man talk about how love is a wonderful thing and so on.
When I couldn't find him, I spotted my sister in law's husband and thought of asking him to do the honours - luckily I didn't. He was busy looking for a piece of cake that didn't have any strawberry cream on it.
"Pink is a girl's colour", his exasperated wife said by way of explanation.


Bre said...

Over Thanksgiving I was playing The 20th Century Trivial Pursuit with some friends. My guy friend was getting frustrated that he couldn't get a pink chip and insisted it was because "pink is for GIRLS!"

They really may not ever grow up.

Still Searching said...

