Friday, April 20, 2007

So I went shopping recently...

...and came back with the BIGGEST (pun intended) complex ever.
And the person I went shopping with ? She came back with a Size 2 skirt that's a wee bit too big since the store was all out of Size 1's. (Sigh)

Got to run - need to go to the gym. Actually got to run period.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Hurray ! I have all the answers....

...well to 5 of Brandy's questions at least.

1. If you could have prevented one event in history, what would it have been and why?
World War II. Annie Frank. I rest my case.

2. Why do you blog? (A bit of a rip off question from what Bre asked me, but I'm always curious)
I think putting things in writing somehow makes them seem more intense, funny, sad, witty, deep…{insert your favourite adjectives here}. And in many cases it is better than saying the same thing out loud*

3. If you wrote the story of your life, what would the title of your autobiography be?
This one’s easy – I’ve had a name picked out for years: “Colours – A Kaleidoscope of Emotions”. I also considered “Rite of Passage” but
Alexei Panshin beat me to it.

4. What's your best characteristic?
I make friends very easily. And make an effort to keep them.

5. What is something most people would be surprised to learn about you?
Has to be my age. In person I look a few years older than I really am. Over the phone I sound about 6. Go figure.

And then I live happily ever after. THE END

If you are interested in participating, here are the rules:
Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me!”
I will respond by e-mailing you five questions.
I get to pick them, and you have to answer them all.
You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

* especially if you've received the "looks" I have

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Of angst and eighteen year olds

when i want to cry
the tears wont come
when i want to smile
the tears wont stop

when i want to die
they ask me why
when i want to live
they say "give up"

when i ask for love
i'm told "not today"
when they look for me
i'm too far away

when i chase harmony
i encounter strife
upside down & topsy turvy
oh well i guess "such is life"